Ruby Jabber

The Hibernate tweaks I made a few weeks ago made our application "fast enough" for now. So I'm back off of Rails and I've started work on a XMPP (Jabber) bot to monitor chat channels. For those unfamiliar, XMPP is an open protocol for instant messaging.

I've just gotten started and, again with Ruby, my progress has been quick and easy. After installing the Openfire XMPP server and XMPP4R Ruby Gem, I was off and running. With help from someone who's done this before, I was able to communicate with the server very easily. I'll be sure to post progress and I get deeper into this.

By the way, if anyone's been following my Rails progress, I'm sure I'll be back to finish this at some point. As I've written before, the database design is flawed and will not scale well. We've just bought a little more time before these issues bubble up again.


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