Web Service Discussion

Again and again the topic comes up at work about fine vs. coarse grained web services. Is anyone else talking about this? I guess I don't understand what the big debate is about.

I think of a fine grained service as implementing a very specific, atomic operation. Course grained services implement larger, multistep operations... possibly consuming other services.

The way I look at it is this: a business has some piece of functionality it wants to make available for others to use (the service). It shouldn't matter if the steps performed by the service can be broken into smaller components. If no one can use these intermediate (finer-grained) components, the energy spent defining, building, and maintaining this (unused) functionality is wasted. My position is that it's better to wait. Should the need to reuse some of the functionality arise, then refactor the common functionality into a smaller, reusable service.

Am I thinking about this wrong? What am I missing?


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